How to re-set & thrive this year
I suspect I am not alone in finding myself a little overwhelmed at the start of a new year.
For working parents, it’s time to get back into some routine after a long school holiday summer period. For business owners, professionals and managers in any workplace - including home! - it's time to pick up where we left off at the end of last year and plan for a productive year forward.
The pressure is on, expectations we put on ourselves and from our others (perceived or real ) to make the most of our time, skills and set big goals for success!
So, how do we re-set, find more energy again, keep going and shift our perspective so we can thrive this year?
I invite you to gift yourself a Pause.
To take a step back, stop and reflect on where you are at and what is important in your life. To listen and acknowledge yourself, remind yourself of your values and what you want to achieve in the next month, quarter, and year.
This might also be a great time to get out your End of Year Reflection worksheet or if you didn’t quite get around to doing this activity in the busy-ness of December, create some intentional space to reflect on where you were at the end of last year. It’s not too late to get your own 12 month Lead Confidently Reflection Worksheet and start this process now.
It’s ok to pause, reflect, and rewind in order to move forward. Give yourself permission to do this. It will set you up with clarity, perspective so you can reset and step into being your best. This is self leadership in action - and it’s essential to your wellbeing, confidence and having the impact you want to have in the world.
For team leaders, taking this time to pause and reset means you can then more effectively lead your team into new projects, with increased capability and skills to work better together.
I invite you to grab a notebook and a cup of coffee, sit somewhere quietly and ask yourself:
- What have I done well as a leader in my personal and professional life so far this year?
- How do I feel and what have I learned?
Then also take a moment to re-set. To think forward:
- What do I want to achieve over the next quarter or 6 month period?
- What do I want to learn, or what learning do I want to put into practise?
- What are the relationships I want to build?
And for me the most important questions:
- How do I want to show up as a leader?
- What do I need to support myself to do that?
I know that in the overwhelm sitting quietly with a cuppa and a notebook feels like an impossible ideal that just won’t happen. But it is an intentional choice and that moment of reflection will pay for itself in new perspective, energy and efficiency, really quickly. Gift yourself that moment, and it will help you find a new way forward for the year ahead.
I will be sitting by Moreton Bay for my reflection - I do love a great view! - journal in hand. It will take some planning and likely an early start one day to fit it in, but I guarantee it will be worth it.
Grab that notebook or journal, find a quiet corner or coffee shop, and gift yourself a Pause.
With warm wishes
P.S If you need support in the practice of self-reflection, grab your own Pause to Grow leadership journal here.